Sunday 17 July 2011

The Inter War Years (1918-1939)

Well it has been a while since my post about Monty & World War I Generals......I'm not lazy, honest!!! Since then I have read many more books on military history. This includes books on Napoleon & Wellington, The American Civil War, The North African Campaign, Operations Dynamo, Overlord, Market-Garden & Plunder Varsity and a few others. The problem with reading other peoples books about these things, is that you always ending up yelling at the author about the points you disagree with, or that they don't concentrate on the parts you would want them too, or you disagree with their overall conclusion.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Monty’s Memoirs & First World War Generals

I have recently begun reading ‘The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery’ and must admit I am finding it a very interesting read. People may not agree with Monty’s decisions or style but he sure did speak his mind. I am barely 100 pages in (I haven’t even read about El-Alamein yet) and have already read a few interesting things. Some of which link to a program I watched this morning. It is called ‘My family at War’ and this episode looked at Dan Snow and Natalie Cassidy’s families’ involvement in the First World War. This first aired about 3 years ago but this was the first time I’ve seen it. I was very interested in Dan Snows experience because his great-grandfather was a Divisional and later a Corp Commander in the conflict.